Tuesday, April 12, 2005

In response to poop for peace day on joel's blog
I present you an exerpt from The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

"The fact that until recently the word 'shit' appeared in print as s--- has nothing to do with moral considerations. You can't claim that shit is immoral, after all! The objection to shit is a metaphysical one. The daily defecation session is daily proof of the unacceptability of Creation. Either/or: either shit is acceptable (in which case don't lock yourself in the bathroom!) or we are created in an unacceptable manner.
It follows, then, that the aesthetic ideal of the categorical agreement with being is a world in which shit is denied and everyone acts as though it did not exist. This aesthetic ideal is called kitsch.
'Kitsch' is a German word born in the middle of the sentimental nineteenth century, and from German it entered all Western languages. Repeated use, however, has obliteraged its original metaphysical meaning: kitsch is the absolute denial of shit, in both the literal and the figurative senses of the word; kitsch excludes everything from its purview which is essentially unacceptable in human existence."

call me a savage for not being able to appreciate it, but if you ask me... THAT was quite shitty.

oh yeah... serene, the book's still with me!

on another note, I want to be an emancipated intellectual, a la Jurgen Habermas. Learnt about the three types of intellectuals in Dr Yew's class today, technical, practical and emancipated. Click heres a link to a short intro to Habermas.


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